Fallout 4

One game that is coming out this November for both consoles is Fallout 4. Because of my decision to buy an Xbox One, I decided to bone up on all things Xbox by purchasing this November’s volume of the Official Xbox Magazine…

Destiny Beta Review

First Impressions: After I got through the almost 11GB download and installation of the Beta, and I got my screen size and color settings finalized, we are thrust directly into character creation. For me, personally, character creation is one of the most important, and most fun, aspects of an RPG. I love going through all…

Killzone: Shadow Fall [Review]

I just finished playing Killzone: Shadow Fall (KZSF) last night, and I have mixed feelings. On one hand, I really enjoyed the experience overall. On the other hand, I’m not 100% sure this game was worthy of a next generation console. So, I’ll just list out the pros and cons. I don’t know why, but that…

PlayStation 4: Thoughts On Its Launch

Okay, so the Playstation 4 (PS4) has been out for a few days, now and there has been some drama over its release. There have been some issues with it, but more or less I just want to give my personal experiences with and thoughts about it. Bottom line up front: I love it. There is…