Will Gaming Ministries Get It Right?

Most of my life, I have been what some might consider a “closet Christian”. It’s the type of person that believes in God and Jesus but is apprehensive about admitting it. (The irony that I am typing this out and preparing to publish it on an internet blog is not lost on me.) I was…

Don’t Listen To The Nay-Sayers

On Facebook, I see memes all day long that say something to the effect of “If you’re a man that plays Pokemon GO, turn in your man card, now!” Or, “All of these Pokemon GO players should think about going down and catch a jobasaurus or a careerachu!”

Tom Clancy’s The Division Beta: After Action Report

Now that my participation in Exercise Beta is over, I wanted to get my thoughts out there. Simply put, it was sweaty. Training can only prepare you so much for what you’re going to see in a warzone. In reality, there is no training outside of first-hand experience that can make you understand and realize what it’s really like out there.

What Would It Take To Live Stream For A Living?

Before I decided on the Digital Cinematography degree program at Full Sail University, I was debating between which program to choose. I love video games. I started playing regularly when my oldest child was born (6 and a half years ago) so that I could stay awake at night to take care of him whenever he woke up.

Bloodborne – You Are Dead

I had intentionally stayed away from reading other peoples opinions on this game because I didn’t want those opinions to sway my own. It was hard to stay away from headlines and blog titles, though…